Surgery For Carlos 2024

From Hope for Tomorrow
This summer Carlos had a long awaited surgery on his heels. As many of you know he has had a long recovery and is doing incredibly well! To do this surgery, we partnered with an organization that brought US based doctors with them. Following their recommendations, Carlos will need another Achilles Heel Release at the beginning of the 2024.
By donating to this fundraiser, you will help us pay a small donation fee to the surgery center, secure medicine for his recovery, and make sure Carlos has the best supplies for this upcoming surgery and recovery!
Updates and Comments

- Kathy Causey $200
- Give Hope Match $155
- Anonymous $125
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By donating you agree that if your donation exceeds the amount needed for this fundraiser the excess will be used to cover other urgent needs in our ministry.
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans.
Isaiah 1:17