Keep Us Cleaning

From Hope for Tomorrow
We place such an importance on providing a clean home for our children. With COVID, we’ve taken extra precautions to keep our children and staff safe. Would you consider giving towards this month’s cleaning supplies expenses? Our goal is $3,120 which will cover cleaning supplies for all of our homes the entire year!
Updates and Comments

- Brenda (BJ) Helton $260
- Give Hope Match $25
- The Dennis Cook Family $25
- Cindy $600
- Give Hope Match $500
- Terri $1,000
- Give Hope Match $1,000
- Anonymous $25
- Anonymous $150
- Anonymous $100
- Anonymous $25
Updates and Comments

By donating you agree that if your donation exceeds the amount needed for this fundraiser the excess will be used to cover other urgent needs in our ministry.
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans.
Isaiah 1:17