Food For Rosa & Diego

fundraiser picture
$1,200 raised of $1,200 goal
10 donors
0 days left
This fundraiser ended on January 4th, 2022. If you still would like to donate you can give directly to Hope for Tomorrow. Donate Start Your Fundraiser

From Hope for Tomorrow

Diego and Rosa have been reunited with their parents, however we have committed to continue supporting them so we can maintain a relationship with them. Would you consider giving towards our goal of $1,200 which will help us buy month grocery staples, clothing, and shoes as needed for them?

Updates and Comments

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Hope for Tomorrow Dec 5, 2021
We are only $400 away from our goal. This money will allow us to bless Diego and Rosa's family with food.
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Hope for Tomorrow Dec 5, 2021
We are blown away by your giving! You've raised $800 towards our goal of $1,200!
$1,200 raised of $1,200 goal
10 donors
0 days left
donations made to Hope for Tomorrow's fundraiser
  • Carolyn K $50
  • Give Hope Match $50
  • Anonymous $25
  • Give Hope Match $25
  • The Hancock Family $150
  • Give Hope Match $150
  • Kendall $100
  • Give Hope Match $100
  • Paul & Kathy $150
  • Give Hope Match $400

Updates and Comments

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Hope for Tomorrow Dec 5, 2021
We are only $400 away from our goal. This money will allow us to bless Diego and Rosa's family with food.
user profile picture
Hope for Tomorrow Dec 5, 2021
We are blown away by your giving! You've raised $800 towards our goal of $1,200!

By donating you agree that if your donation exceeds the amount needed for this fundraiser the excess will be used to cover other urgent needs in our ministry.

Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans.

Isaiah 1:17

Bible verse