
Interests: playing with cars, balls, building blocks
Birthday and Christmas Wishes: remote control cars, floor puzzles, legos
Clothing Sizes: Shirt - Child XS (5) Pants - Child XS (5) Shoes - Child 11
Marcos' Story
Marcos arrived at Hope for Tomorrow in February 2016. He was timid when he first arrived, but has adjusted and loves playing with the other children. He was a result of poverty. Both of his parents live and work in the garbage dump. When he came to us, he was sick and dirty, and very limited in his language, but he has since transformed into a healthy, happy boy.
Marcos loves to play with cars. You can hear him racing cars up and down the hallway giggling. He has an infectious laugh and a playful spirit. He especially enjoys playing with Diego. He loves watching the other kids play and joining in with them at times. We are so happy to have Marcos in our home.
Memorable moments

What Sponsors Give
By sponsoring a child at Hope For Tomorrow, you'll help change the lives of children by providing:
Quality Care
Your sponsorship helps provide nutritious food, clean water, and a safe and loving environment.
We believe a quality education is important for their future to break the cycle of poverty.
We go beyond basic health care and provide access to individual therapy for those that need it.
Best of all, in addition to supporting your sponsored child, your monthly support also assists the other children who live at the home.
What Sponsors Get
Beyond the joy of knowing your sponsorship is impacting the lives of orphaned, abandoned, and at-risk children, as a sponsor you'll receive:
Regular updates and communication from your sponsored child.
Tax Deduction
A tax-deductible receipt of your giving.
Hope Calendar
Our yearly calendar featuring pictures of all the children.
We know that becoming a sponsor will be as life-changing for you as it will be for your sponsored child.
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans.
Isaiah 1:17
What type of communication will I receive from my sponsored child?
Will I be able to write to the child I sponsor?
What is a child's "Sponsorship Progress"?
Hope for Tomorrow Children's Home provides around the clock care to orphaned, abandoned, and at-risk children. This includes nutritious meals, a comfortable home, a high-quality education, health care, regular activities, therapy for those that need it, loving workers to take care of the children, and much more. This means the cost for a child to be in our children's home program usually exceeds what one individual can commit to on an ongoing basis.
Because of this, we allow multiple people to sponsor a child until that child is 100% sponsored. This brings a unique sense of community and collaboration to our sponsorship program as people around the world join together to support a child.
Prefer a one-to-one sponsorship? Sponsor a preschooler. Learn More
How much does it cost?
You can sponsor a child for any amount, but to make sponsorship as easy as possible, we have created 4 sponsorship tiers. These tiers help give a sense of the impact your sponsorship makes.
Partial Sponsorship
Helps provide 2 meals a day for a child.
Basic Sponsorship
Helps provide 3 meals a day and the child's education.
Standard Sponsorship
Helps provide 3 meals a day, education, and health, therapy and monthly activities for the child.
Complete Sponsorship
Helps covers the majority of the costs for the child to live at our home including housing and staffing.
Since Hope for Tomorrow Children's Home is a home and not an after school program, or a one-meal-per-day soup kitchen, it is necessary to provide for our children on a 24/7 basis, just like you provide for your own children.
Regardless of your sponsorship amount we make sure all the children receive 3 complete nutritious meals a day, a comfortable home to sleep in, year-round schooling, immunizations, special monthly activities, therapy for those that need it, dedicated workers to take care of the children, and much more.